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Optional LMS Courseware Packages

Healthcare Compliance (Essential or Comprehensive)

Reduce risk through turnkey compliance education tailored to meet federal, state, employer, and payer requirements. Choose a package that meets your unique compliance needs – an Essential package that includes six high-demand courses or a Comprehensive package that includes over two dozen courses with topics ranging from Infectious Disease and Emergency Preparedness to Employment Issues, Cultural Competency, and Patient Rights and Privacy.

Pharmacist CE

There’s a lot of CE out there, yet pharmacists and pharmacy technicians wait until the last minute to take required CE that’s usually not meaningful to their practice. Whether it’s drug therapy, law, patient safety, or a topic unique to your state or jurisdiction, we’ve got what you need. Topics include trending topics critical to practice and all the CE you need to meet your re-licensure requirements.

Pharmacy Technician CE

Most CE providers just add technician CE to education that was created for pharmacists. Our Pharmacy Technician package includes trending topics designed specifically for pharmacy technicians to help them meet re-licensure requirements or requirements needed for recertification with PTCB or NHA.

Healthcare Compliance Courses

CoursesEssential PackageComprehensive Package
General Compliance
Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, and General Compliance Training
Methamphetamine Prevention and Awareness in the Pharmacy
OSHA General Workplace Safety
Infectious Disease
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
Infection Control Standards for Healthcare Professionals
Tuberculosis Overview
Cultural Competency
Cultural Competency in Pharmacy
Leveraging Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in Your Pharmacy Practice
LGBTQ Cultural Compliance: Improving Care to the LGBTQ Community
Overcoming Implicit Bias in Healthcare
Patient Rights and Privacy
HIPAA Training for Health Professionals
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Other Compliance
Emergency Preparedness
Be Prepared if Disaster Strikes – Pharmacy Emergency Preparedness
Employment Issues
Harassment and Employment Issues in the Pharmacy
Identifying Patient Victims
Identifying Human Trafficking in the Pharmacy Setting
Mandatory Reporting in the Healthcare Setting
Other Compliance
Complaints: Turning a Negative Into a Positive
Complying with Pharmacy’s Code of Ethics
Hazardous Drug Handling and Disposal in the Community Pharmacy
And more . . .
Healthcare Compliance Courses

Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician CE

ACPE Topic Designator CategoryPharmacy CE hours availablePharmacy Technician CE hours available
Drug Therapy40+ hours~20 hours
Law~5 hours~5 hours
Immunizations~5 hours~4 hours
Pharmacy Practice~5 hours~6 hours
Patient Safety~4 hours~2 hours
Pain Management~2 hours
AIDS/HIV1 hour
Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician CE

Additional courses to meet unique, state-specific requirements such as workplace harassment training, implicit bias training, and LGBTQ cultural competence are available within the Essential Compliance Package.

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