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Five Pillars of 340B Program Compliance

Being able to see–right now–if your 340B Program is compliant requires achieving the five value pillars of continuous program compliance: standardization, accountability, visibility, efficiency, and sustainability.
Read our Five Pillars of 340B Program Compliance blog series where Craig Frost dives deeper into these values.

Sectyr Value Pillars - Visibility Sectyr Value Pillars - Efficiency Sectyr Value Pillars - Sustainability
Standardization Accountability Visibility Efficiency Sustainability
Five Pillars of 340B Program Compliance

Sustainability: The fifth and final pillar for 340B program compliance

Compliance software is one solution for providing a program with sustainability. A good solution will help a 340B program team define its process within the software. Software like this can also alert stakeholders to tasks, deadlines, and report on the status of all manner of compliance-related work.

Well-designed compliance software will also help a 340B program team cover every area of compliance that the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration wants to see. If a 340B program team has a deficiency, compliance software will let them know about it.

Efficiency, the fourth of five pillars for 340B program compliance

One way to reallocate time is with compliance software. With software that automatically analyzes and tracks the data HRSA auditors require, managers gain efficiency while keeping their 340B program in good standing. With a software system keeping tabs on what must be done, 340 program managers can focus on strategies for enhancing their 340B program instead of shoring up compliance.

For 340B Program compliance, visibility is the third pillar

With compliance software, a 340B Program director has a digital dashboard to keep score seven days a week, 365 days a year. A digital scoreboard gives a program director an automatic, up-to-the-minute look at the status of, for example, self-audits, OPAIS data, and tasks requiring attention. Compliance software stretches a team’s resources.

Accountability, the second pillar for 340B Program compliance

By automating the management of documents with compliance software, a director can assign tasks to each responsible party and verify the owner completes the job. Accountability is further improved when each team member can see their tasks, what’s expected, and when it’s due. Visibility is equally important for compliance. And in my next post, I’ll explore the role visibility plays for compliance.

Standardization, the first of the five pillars for 340B Program compliance

Implementing a compliance software system standardizes the analysis and tracking of 340B Program data required by auditors from HRSA. Not all compliance software systems are equal, though. If standardization is the aim, a manager will also want a system that includes logic-based, 340B-specific workflows for monitoring recertifications and corrective plans. It’s important to have a tool for imposing a structure and for visible and well-defined workflows.